Tidak ada add ons maupun tweak yang ditambahkan atau dikurangi di dalam versi Windows 7 Sp1 AIO Update Mei 2016
yang admin bagikan ini. Jadi anda akan mendapatkan file ISO windows 7
Sp1 yang benar-benar asli dari microsoft. Untuk activatornya nanti anda
akan mendapatkannya di dekstop setelah proses instalasi windows 7 ini
selesai. Namun jika anda ingin menggunakan activator lainnya juga bisa,
anda dapat menggunakan windows loader yang dapat mengaktifkan windows 7
semua versi dengan permanen.
Added Editions
- Windows 7 Starter x86
- Windows 7 Home Basic x86
- Windows 7 HOme premium x86
- Windwos 7 Professional x86
- Windows 7 Ultimate x86
- Windows 7 Enterprises x86
- Windows 7 Home Basic x64
- Windows 7 Home Premium x64
- Windows 7 Professional x64
- Windows 7 Ultimate x64
- Windows 7 Enterprises x64
Release Info
- Including Microsoft updates till 10.05.2016 and Internet Explorer 11
- NO tweaks or add-ons.
- NO additional programs and software added.
- NO graphics, scripts and wallpapers added or changed.
- It’s the original image from Microsoft except added updates and IE11!
Note:- Dotnet 4.6.1 and Activators added
in desktop , after installing windows install dotnet 4.6.1 and activate
windows by given activators
Changes in version 16.5.15
- Added KB3138378-x86-x64, KB3140245-x86-x64, KB3142024-x86-x64, KB3153171-x86-x64, KB3153199-x86-x64, KB3156016-x86-x64, KB3156019-x86-x64
- Added KB3150220-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3108669-x86-x64, Windows 7 only)
- Added KB3153731-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3148851-x86-x64)
- Added KB3154070-IE11-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3148198-IE11-x86-x64)
- Added KB3155178-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3115858-x86-x64)
- Added KB3155413-x64 (replaces the KB3124625-x64, Server 2008, only R2)
- Added KB3156013-x86-x64 (replaces the KB3124001-x86-x64)
- Added KB3156017-x86-x64 (replaces the KB2976897-x86-x64)
The following updates are excluded:
- KB971033 -x86-the x64 (Update for Windows Activation Technologies checking)
- KB2952664 -x86-the x64 (System Update compatibility for migration to Windows 10)
- KB2977759 -x86-the x64 (Diagnostics compatibility issues for upgrading to Windows 10)
- KB3021917 -x86-the x64 (diagnostics and telemetry systems to upgrade to Windows 10)
- KB3035583 -x86-the x64 (Update sets “Get Windows 10” application)
- KB3068708 -x86-the x64 (Update to improve the quality of diagnostics and telemetry)
- KB3075249 -x86-the x64 (Update adds a point telemetry consent.exe file)
- KB3080149 -x86-the x64 (Update for CEIP program and diagnostic telemetry)
- KB3081954 -x86-the x64 (Update to improve the working folders and telemetry)
- KB3123862 -x86-the x64 (Updated opportunity to upgrade to Windows 10)
- KB3150513 -x86-the x64 (Updated configuration for compatibility diagnostics)
File Hashes
- SHA-1: 76704568982306a8c99d12c27dd4dd67626983d3
- MD5: 6b04715d5ef3c0d5590783f5594f90dc
- CRC32: 04fcf8ff
Link Download
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390 Mb Links
VIA : http://gigapurbalingga.com
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