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Kami membagikan software Trojan Remover Full ini lengkap dengan crack yang dapat anda download dengan gratis di gigapurbalingga ini. Program Trojan Remover Full ini akan berjalan secara realtime dan akan memberikan anda peringatan ketika ditemukan malware atau trojan berbahaya. Kemudian untuk beberapa kasus anda akan diberikan pilihan apakah ingin menghapus malware tersebut atau hanya menghentikan prosesnya.
  • Interface
    The interface is comprehensible and intuitive. Coming as a really simple look, it has a menu bar and also a toolbar. Everything is fairly straightforward and easy to understand as well as implement.
  • Pros
    The first pro of this tool is that it is simple and easy to use on named drives or your whole system. The software can be run to examine the system without putting the computer into safe mode. Once installed onto your computer, it scans the registry of your computer at start up to detect any changes which can be made by viruses or worms. Trojan Remover automatically detects anything that is hidden in the rootkit and offers to remove infected files. The scan does not have to be run just at startup; you can run it at any time you have the computer on. It is not memory intensive so it will certainly not slow your work down while it is beavering away. Trojan Remover continually updates its database with known infections and viruses so that your PC can be kept up to date with the best protection.
  • Cons
    There aren’t many disadvantages to having life-long computer virus protection. Popup alert messages are pet hates of many people and Trojan Remover uses these to advise on the status of a file that is being scanned, as with most similar software products out there. Additionally, it is lacking as it does not have the direct facility to schedule a time and date for a scan; this can only be done through the task schedule utility on your computer.
  • Alternatives
    There are probably as many versions of Trojan Removers as there are varieties of viruses but Norton Power Eraser is a popular download. This is probably more to do with the fact that it is free rather than any enhanced features. It also only works with limited Microsoft operating systems so in this regard, it is on par with Trojan Removers.
  • Conclusion
    Trojan Remover is downloadable free for 30 days which is long enough to let you experiment with it and decide whether to buy or not. It is very reasonably priced for peace of mind whilst you access sites online; the complete protection it offers is highly recommended. You are automatically notified of periodic updates so your malware service is as up to date as it can be. Once bought, you can have free upgrades as they appear as well as free updates for life.
  • System Requirements
    Windows 7, XP, Vista, 8, 8.1 and 10 (64 bit and 32 bit)
Cara Instal :
  1. Download dan ekstrak file “Trojan Remover 6.9.4 Build 2943 Full Crack” ini.
  2. Ekstrak juga file crack yang berada di dalam folder tersebut.
  3. Instal programnya seperti biasa.
  4. Buka folder crack dan copy pastekan semua file yang ada ke folder instalasi program “Trojan Remover” di pc atau laptop anda. Pilih copy and replace.
  5. Jalankan programnya dari file crack yang anda copy tadi.
  6. Done
 Link Download 

Trojan Remover 6.9.4 Build 2943 Full Crack

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